A Switchling Clearly

30 January, 2006

Chapter 2

So here we go, diving right into the confusing but cool stuff. The newest post is up over here, and it's called Sensible. This should be good. Now, for the questions:

1. Why is Joel sore?
2. Why did the man laugh at his own comment?
3. What is Middleborough Road a reference to?

28 January, 2006

Yes, that's the good stuff...

Now we're getting into interesting bits. So what are you waiting for? Get over there. I'm going to start a new little trend in these posts, by giving you three questions to lead you towards better understanding of the extraordinary nuances in my amazingly awesome writing. So, for Exhibit A:

1. Who is the holder?
2. What did the holder do?
3. What is happening to Joel?

Think of it as an English analysis.

23 January, 2006

Worries and doubts...

Chapter 1: Part 1 is now up! Now we're into the story proper, and you'll see why the mother is unimportant (Taraxanoid!). Hope you like it.

21 January, 2006

Moving while standing still...

The title has changed, but I'm still in the same spot. The placeholder name has been...replaced, now that I actually have some clue with what I'm doing. BTW, BTS = Behind The Scenes.


Rolling along

Okay guys, I'm back from my holidays with around 1500-2000 words of goodness. You're not getting all that just yet, though. A few points:

1. I've decided that if I post updates like this between sections of story it'll be messy, so I've set up a second blog, which is pure story. You can find it at http://switchling.blogspot.com.

2. It's now finalised in name too. Switchling.

3. The prologue's up! Wooteh!

05 January, 2006

Baby steps

Okay, so now (after two theme changes), I think I'm settled. I CAN edit posts, which is good. Plus, the voices in my head have settled down enough for me to plan out the story on a whiteboard (and soon, a Word document). I'm excited now - it does seem to work, which will be cool. With a plan, it also makes it easier to write and quicker to get those writings out to you.

So stay tuned!

PS: If you want to know when the site's updated, you can subscribe to the feed for it. Just use this url:


Short Story

Basically, this is a blog set up as a place to post my short story, which is currently unnamed (possibilities include 'Ambling' and the title of this blog: 'In The Long Run'), and about 4% completed (prologue and plan only). It will basically be launched in installments, and you can all comment on it! Woo! Yeah!! 5 stars!

It's sci-fi, contains time travel and I think the idea is pretty cool. You'll have to trust me on that one. I haven't quite worked it all out in my head, so I'm going to write ahead a few chapters before launching even the prologue, because it might not all come together sequentially. I haven't even checked if my posts can be edited, which might make it easier to update any changes made - but could screw with people's minds. It's probably easier to just backlog a few chapters as I get on the roll. On a roll. Whatever.

Oh, and there's no guarantee your comments/suggestions will be implemented. Tough luck.