A Switchling Clearly

29 March, 2006


Yep. I am. I have so little time to write stuff, and since I've had extra responsiblities these last two weeks, my net productivity has been roughly, approximately zero.

So, you're all getting really close to where I've written too. That scares me.

So yes, no update this (last?) week. And maybe not next week. Depends on if I get to write stuff or not.


20 March, 2006

Leaps and bounds

So, yes, it's another short one. Sue me. I have no time to write installments, and you're scarily close behind me. So, I admit it: I broke this one up. That's why it's a bit Unbalanced.

1. Jet lag?
2. Four dollars if you guess what's in the church
3. There is no point three.

I didn’t like the way that sounded.

So yeah. Knock yourselves out.

13 March, 2006


Yes, I know ghosts is a small part too. But you've really got to feel the enormity of this situation.

Don't worry, the next few get long again. And plus, I'm not that far in front of you, so smaller is better ;)

1. teh OMG!!1!!eleven!
2. Ghosts in the machine? That's an obscure reference!
3. Whose side is the Shifter on?

"I had the feeling that was balancing on something, and it hurt to do so."


05 March, 2006


Well, this is it. This is the post that tells you that Switchling has been updated, but if you're a good little reader you will know that this is the section where you discover all about my story. Head over here for the revelation.

Remember, http://switchling.blogspot.com is the site for all the previous editions.

Heheheh. I'm getting excited just thinking about it.

You HAVE TO LEAVE A COMMENT on this one, folks.

No questions this time. No quotes from future sections. This is entirely devoted to the revelation.

What are you waiting for? Go read it.

01 March, 2006


Since I've been back at school I hadn't really written anything, so the story was getting rather close to where I'd got to...until now. Yes, I have progressed further with the story so that I am now comfortably in front of you all.


Just thought I'd brag/reassure.