A Switchling Clearly

05 January, 2006

Baby steps

Okay, so now (after two theme changes), I think I'm settled. I CAN edit posts, which is good. Plus, the voices in my head have settled down enough for me to plan out the story on a whiteboard (and soon, a Word document). I'm excited now - it does seem to work, which will be cool. With a plan, it also makes it easier to write and quicker to get those writings out to you.

So stay tuned!

PS: If you want to know when the site's updated, you can subscribe to the feed for it. Just use this url:



  • Bookmarked and ready to roll. Cant wait to read it

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 4:45 pm  

  • interesting. i miss those voices. gotta make sure u dont leak ur plot 2 ur fellow piers! itll spoil the suspense. this could end up very interesting :)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 5:48 pm  

  • What do you mean, could?

    By Blogger nshady, At 9:01 pm  

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