Basically, this is a blog set up as a place to post my short story, which is currently unnamed (possibilities include 'Ambling' and the title of this blog: 'In The Long Run'), and about 4% completed (prologue and plan only). It will basically be launched in installments, and you can all comment on it! Woo! Yeah!! 5 stars!
It's sci-fi, contains time travel and I think the idea is pretty cool. You'll have to trust me on that one. I haven't quite worked it all out in my head, so I'm going to write ahead a few chapters before launching even the prologue, because it might not all come together sequentially. I haven't even checked if my posts can be edited, which might make it easier to update any changes made - but could screw with people's minds. It's probably easier to just backlog a few chapters as I get on the roll. On a roll. Whatever.
Oh, and there's no guarantee your comments/suggestions will be implemented. Tough luck.