A Switchling Clearly

30 December, 2006


Dude, Italy's awesome.

Food here is great. Pizza is delicious.

Calimari is so well cooked. They bring you out huge plates, which you think you'll never be able to finish, but it's so good that it would be criminal to leave it all there.

I hope to gain weight here. This is my best shot. That, and the four hour drives supplemented with chips and other crap.

Kristian, I gave The Killers (I think) a listen in virgin the other day. It sounded good, worthy of a purchase, methinks. Is that the album called 'Sam's Town'? Yeah, the killers. What's the band you want me to here?

Oh, and thanks for all your sympathy for my runny nose etc.... :( It's horrible.

The (temporary) end.

28 December, 2006

Nick's Blogtastic, Sniffle-filled Ramblings

Right now, I'm in a town called...well, I can't actually remember. It's in Italy though. Don't blame me if that sounds all blasé. I've got a hold. I mean cold. It's sniffly. It's turning from sniffles to a head cold right now. I can feel it. That's why this blog post won't make sense, and some words or phrases may be about the mark but not quite on it. If you get what I mean.

We got to Edinburgh, after running to make a connection from London. They lost our bags. We gradually got three of our four bags back at Edinburgh, but now we've just given up, and will be charging British Airlines for all the purchases we've had to make. If an Armani suit slipped in, well, screw them. It was cold and it was all we could find. Or something.

We flew business class. Movies on demand rock. Seats which rotate flat rock. Noise-cancelling Sony headphones rock. It was generally a rockin' flight. During the three days we spent there, the novelty of English/Scottish accents never wore off. It's freaking hilarious. I want one. They weren't selling them at the souvenir stores. Damn. Oh, and if that joke falls flat, blame this cold. You'd probably laugh if you had a disease of such horrendous magnitude as this one that I has.

Edinburgh's cold and windy. Mostly cold. Well, I guess it's cold because of the wind. So it's mostly windy too. Still, that's refreshing after the stifling dry Australian heat. I'd insert some photos here but I have limited internet credit and OMFG so little time and I'm still in Edinburgh. Talking about Edinburgh, I mean. I should really stop explaining. And get on with it. We looked in cathedrals and castles and closes and stuff (go look up 'close', you'll get it). We went to an old close that was 6 storeys underground. This tourguide was talking all Ye Olde Englishy...it was lame but kinda enjoyable.

So we flew to Madrid. That's in Spain. Edinburgh was cool, in more than one sense. My initial feelings about Spain was...urgh. It was really quite dirty. Everyone smokes in Europe - they just do. They grow up smoking. That's gross. Our first lunch was in this dirty taverny thing, and all these serviettes and cigarettes littered the floor. It wasn't very nice. Oh, and tapas kinda sucks. It's their only food, I swear. That, and paella (a rice-y) thing. Tapas is rolls with weird ham...prosciutto or whatever. And tomatoes. And oil. Sounds nice...but isn't really. They eat it for breakfast. I didn't like Madrid.

Then we drove to Barcelona. That's also in Spain. I liked Barcelona better than Madrid. We stopped overnight in a town called Zaragoza. By the way, if it's not an overnight stop, we're generally chilling in each town for about three nights. I liked Barcelona a lot more. It had animals - dogs, mostly - everywhere. It was a lot less crowded too. You should see how crazy the shopping is in Spain. People shop till like...10pm. Then eat dinner. It's chaotic...and it was also pre-xmas too. Absolutely nuts. Kinda scary. Barcelona was more spaceous...(spelling?). Anyways, we went to the last cathedral that will probably ever be built - designed by Gaudi, called some funny name I can't remember. San Familiaza or something? Began building in 1880 or something, and still going. It's crazy, but will rock in about 20-40 years when it's finished.

Oh, speaking of names, I just remembered this Italian town is called Santa Margherita. I love margherita pizza, so dinner tonight should rock. Assuming my tastebuds still work.

Then we drove to France. It was nice to be in a country with a language I understood a bit of it. You know what I mean. We stayed in a place called Villeneuve Lez Avignon. That was a chilled country town. We saw the Palace de Papes (Papal palace) and some Pont (bridge) d'Avignon which has a song about it. The two villages...villeneuve and avignon are like...across the river from each other. That was kinda nice.

Then we went to another place...Nice, I think it was. Yeah, Nice. Stayed in an apartment there. Argh, shit. 7 minutes left.
Nice was nice. It's said 'neece' by the way. Double bed with sister sucks. I caught this cold off of her. After that I slept on the couch.

Today we drove into Italy. Looking forward to some pizza and pasta. Had a look around the town - it's a port and we look out of our hotel window (and balcony) right onto the water. Awesome. So that's that so far.

A few odds and ends - read about four books. Suddenly realised that I enjoyed reading - didn't do much this year. Crosswords are neat. Clubhouse Games for DS is fun. Bought 'It's Mr Pants' for GBA since it didn't come out in Australia. I think. Maybe. I never saw it. That's good, anyway, love Rare's humour. Wii is nutso popular, but you can't buy anything other than games. Keeping an eye on nexgenwars.com. Looks good. Saw electroplankton, but didn't buy it (50 euros). Seeing stacks of Phoenix Wright - would have bought, but it's finally coming out next year. Saw a trauma center, but after much debate decided the wii one was superior. So Pants is the only purchase so far.

Shit, 4 minutes.

iPod is finally worth its money. Noise-cancelling earphones makes drives disappear. IGN, Diggnation, Vooks, G4 all very useful. Radiohead getting a bash, Kashmir too. Coldplay less so, but that's on CD and playing in car for dad anyways. Bought OK Go - Oh No - because it came with bonus dvd in Virgin the other day.

2 and counting.

98.25 TER is great and probably about right for the effort I put in. Congrats to everyone in our year. We all seem happy with what we've got...no disappointments. Good luck Becky in Africa. Have fun on all your trips peeps. Merry xmas, happy 2007, stay tuned to this blog and Sliced Gaming. Redesign coming. Pressies for a few of you. Congrats on the 99.95 Kristian. Little Miss Sunshine is a great movie. Posiedon isn't really that bad. Got bored with The Break-Up. Flying FIRST CLASS on one leg!!!!!!

1 minute OMG must post.

Bye guys, catchya next year!