A Switchling Clearly

28 May, 2006


Okay, so I've done a bit more writing and now in a bit more of a safer position.

Here's a link to Chained!

1. Why was Joel discomforted by the previous room?
2. The man couldn't see him?
3. Can he ever get out?

"‘One minute,’ he repeated, and the door slammed shut behind him."

08 May, 2006

On the air

Go Podcasting!

Mmm. Podz.

1. Creepy?

"A grimy, brown, rusted cabin presented itself as I stepped through the frame."

01 May, 2006

I'm back!

Yes, and the people rejoiced.

It's all coming down to The Wire.

1. Who is it?
2. Within?
3. Without?

"A screen on the pod measured the inside temperature as twenty-four degrees."