A Switchling Clearly

26 February, 2006

Delve in

1. Microcosm

2. Do you get it yet? If not, you're only ONE INSTALLMENT AWAY from the revelation. That's right - next week you'll understand the crux of the story. Next week! Still, this week's edition is more interesting than last week's.

3. i] Microscope? Why?
ii] That is ironic...

4. "After a period of depressed self-analysis, I realised that there was nothing I could do."

5. I'm famous! Check out my photobucket account and look at a mention of Switchling in Adelaide's "The Saturday Advertiser"!


  • It appears that exploding extinguishing stuff isn't the only ironic thing with today's entry. Who's this Rick Schaedel fellow I've been hearing all about? He certainly sounds far more suave and intelligent than any Nicks I know. How Shady indeed!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 9:42 pm  

  • Lol shut up :P

    Finally, someone posted in this blog!

    By Blogger nshady, At 4:50 pm  

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